Memorial Health 

Memorial Health is a comprehensive care, health system in Savannah Georgia. Over the years they’ve established themselves as one of the leading care centers in the southeast. We helped them launch a series of service line campaigns, as well as a refinement of their existing brand with a library of support logos and an updated color system. By introducing a rich and heartfelt visual design matched with relatable and meaningful support content, we created a voice and story inspired by Memorial’s commitment to their patients. 


Memorial Service Line Print Campaign

Telling the story of our commitment to all those things that
make life so rewarding and rich.


Memorial Health Identity Package

Identity system designed to give the various service lines
and health system entities their own sub brand.


Memorial Health Campaign Microsite

Support site to complement the service line print campaign.


Identity Brand Refresh Memorial Children’s Hospital

We gave a new fresh face to their existing Children’s Hospital identity.